RFP Writing Bookstore
We pulled together this RFP bookstore to make it easier for RFP writers and others seeking RFP writing insights to find helpful reference material. We know from working with our clients, there is a wide range of approaches to getting an RFP written. In some cases the client wants nothing to do with the process. Trusting everything to our writers. In other cases, clients seek to become experts especially before deciding to outsource RFP writing to others.
Also, the approach to writing a successful RFP varies by level of government and industry. So, we have pulled together books that advice for writing RFP’s for governments and for clients in different industries.
Note, we have not read all of these books on writing RFP’s our selves. However, we have only included books with high ratings, strong sales and good reviews. Good luck and all the best to your RFP writing success.