Background on Toronto Business Blog Writer

Hi. My name is Jim Crocker. I’m the founder of Boardroom Metrics.

By day, I work with Boards of Directors on Corporate Governance Effectiveness. I’m an expert on Board and CEO evaluations. Often during the year I am asked to present on Corporate Governance to Boards, Associations and others.

By night, I’m a business writer. Writing is my passion. I have written close to a thousand blogs, a book (more in the works), press releases, information circulars and other business content.

Business Blogging as a Marketing Advantage

At Boardroom Metrics, business blogging is our primary source of marketing. We use it to maximize the visibility of our website in search engines (SEO) so potential clients can find us. That’s likely how you found this. Getting found in search engines is still the top way brands are discovered. Almost 100% of our new clients (from across North America) come from search.

How Business Blog Writing Works

Over the years we’ve become expert at understanding what answers potential clients go to the internet for (eg, ‘What is the role of a Board of Directors?’). Then, we provide the answers in the blogs I write and optimize each blog (titles, urls, keywords, etc.) so that Google and other search engines recognize their value.

Small Pivot to More Business Blog Writing for Clients

We have shared our blog-driven marketing success with clients. We’ve encouraged them to do the same for their business. What we’ve found is that most people struggle to write blogs. It’s like they would rather do anything else than commit their thoughts to a piece of digital content.

So, over time they’ve asked me to do their blog writing for them. I’ve written business blogs and other content for suppliers and associations. I continue to blog for Boardroom Metrics.

Now, I’ve decided I would like to do more business blogging for clients. I enjoy it. It is a great way to take advantage of my business expertise and blogging/business writing skills.

Business Blog Writing Process and Fee

On average, it takes me about 4 hours to write a blog. That includes research (internet and interviews) and optimizing the content for search (SEO). If I’m editing content that is already written I can usually do it under two hours.

Price-wise, it’s possible I’m at the high end of competitive (depending on your expectations). I charge $500 to write an original blog and $250 to edit an existing one. Given my extensive business and blog writing experience, I’m content those fees are fair.

Business Blog Examples and Contact

Examples of my blog writing can be found on the Boardroom Metrics website.

If you are interested in a Toronto business blogger let me know at [email protected] or call 416-994-6552.