All blogs and other content related to Governance on the Boardroom Metrics site including corporate governance, medical groups, associations management and private company governance.

Succession Planning

2019-11-30T09:57:37-05:00March 28th, 2012|Governance|

Boards of Directors must increasingly manage their oversight of Human Capital. CEO succession planning is a critical Board responsibility. Yet in today’s climate, Board’s seem powerless in dealing with [...]

Board Members Thinking as Leaders – Fiduciary

2020-02-21T12:40:32-05:00December 8th, 2011|Governance|

In the last blog, we talked about a new approach to Board Governance that utilizes three different perspectives. The Fiduciary side addresses financial oversight and stewardship; Strategic address policy making and Generative addresses how we make sense of what it is they do.

Governance update: Canada Not-for-Profit Corporations Act 2011

2019-01-05T12:51:14-05:00October 19th, 2011|Governance|

Industry Canada announced that on October 17, 2011 the new Canada Not-for-profit Corporations Act (NFP Act) came into force. Organizations currently in the process of incorporating may have to submit new forms, and organizations incorporated under the previous legislation will have three years to transition to the Not-For-Profit Act. Boards and their members should review current by-laws and see what changes will be needed to be made in the transition period. As it relates to directors, the Act will a more standard objective in carrying out their duties and responsibilities.

Blog Posts Pre-2010: Role of the Board – Part II

2019-01-05T13:01:18-05:00January 17th, 2008|Governance|

This insightful post on the role of the Board of Directors originally appeared in the Boardroom Metrics CEO blog. It remains as relevant today as when it was written. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [...]